Friday, September 26, 2008

Quick Question

So, if I'm married to a Dutchman and I used to live in Canada, aren't I really the better qualified vice presidential candidate?

Who am I kidding...the heel of my left shoe is better qualified...


Notorious Ph.D. said...

I've long thought that the heel of your left shoe was seriously underrated. About time it got its due, I say.

Alison said...

Yes, but can you see Russia from your house? CAN YOU?

medieval woman said...

Okay, okay - maybe not *Russia* - but surely when Putin "rears his head" he'll eventually fly over the Dream Academy - at least if he keeps going east...

What happens if Putin decides to fly west?

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

My mom can see Canada from her house -- and she's been to Europe, Scandinavia and the Panama Canal -- plus Alaska and Hawaii -- she's more qualified... although she can't field dress a moose, she's never fired a librarian for refusing to get rid of "controversial" books, nor has she charged a rape victim for a rape kit...

Susan said...

I think the shoe is only qualified if the heel is a spike.