Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bloggy Silence

To all those who might have been wondering if I'd been trapped under a large piece of furniture - I've actually been on a strict low-blog diet for the past week. This means not posting much (I missed Friday Recipe Blogging, but will make it up this next week) and only reading a couple of randomly selected blogs for a few minutes. I'm on my last set of papers, but I have a new set of 30 exams to grade and I'll be getting in about 80 more tonight when I give my other 3 hour final from 7-10 pm on a Sunday! I'm so bringing my Wendy's Big Bacon Classic to this shindig...grumble, grumble...


Unknown said...

Hi, MW!

I know from bloggy silence. Anyhow, I wanted to leave a long overdue note of congratulations on the dreamy, new job. Congrats!

And enjoy the Wendy's snacks. Gets me thinking about scrounging up a Frosty for myself on this super-warm afternoon.

medieval woman said...

Laustic! How are you?? Long time no hear! Great to hear from you again - are you back to blogging??

Unknown said...

I'm doing very well, in fact. And I think that I may be back at blogging again. Slowly crawling out of the hole that I fell into post-exams.

Sorry to hear, however, that you have many things weighing on you. :(