Monday, October 15, 2007

Random Bits of Fluff

Arrived home today after a weekend with friend and Medieval Pop et al. It was a very nice weekend, but I'm happy to be home! I took a 4 hour nap today and I'm still tired and going to bed momentarily. Medieval Pop got me a totally beautiful onyx pendant with little diamonds around it. I'm stunned and how good he is at picking out jewelry! And the Dutchman ordered flowers for my birthday to be sent to MP's place - almost as nice as having him there. I will see him this Friday when he flies into town for our 2-year wedding anniversary!!

Tomorrow, I need to:

1) Take Furball #2 in for her periodic urinalysis and bloodwork - we must make sure her one kidney is doing well. I'm always terrified for the time when the tests won't come back okay, but I'll take it as it comes.

2) Write a mid-term for Wednesday's class.

3) Work on my article more, which is now due in early January.

4) Go to the weekly meeting of The Activity.

5) Scoop the cat box. Actually, I'll do that now...

Aren't you glad you read 'til then end?? :)


Sisyphus said...


I hope you have a good rest of the week.

(and I keep wondering about The Activity --- do you give hints? do I get to make guesses?)

squadratomagico said...

Happy birthday! And Happy Anniversary!