Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So, I thought I'd take point on this (unless someone else already has! If so, let me know!) - many of us will just happen to be in San Francisco at the end of this month for a little thing we like to call The Deadly Gauntlet of He...(*ahem*). I mean, MLA. I know that Flavia, the Coglet, heu mihi, and Morgan will all be there...anyone I'm missing? The more the merrier!

So, the questions are: Do ya'll wanna meet-up? When? Where? I figure that we should make it an evening, either for dinner or later drinks, because we'll all have scads of interviews during the day. I know that there are likely going to be other friend meet-ups, but it would be lovely to see you all - many of you I've never met!

TD and I will be driving in from "points unknown" (read: wineries in the Lodi region) on Dec. 27th, and we leave to go to other "places to be highly intellectual" (read: Napa wineries) on the 30th.

I figure that these are our options for MLA: the night of the 27th, night of the 28th, night of the 29th, breakfast on the 30th? Or we could do breakfasts any of those days as well! It's all good to me - I only applied for a few jobs, so if I have any interviews, I *know* that they can be scheduled in a single afternoon. And then, Alcatraz here we come!

What are your thoughts, bloggies? I wanted to put this out there early in the hopes that your schedules might still be open.

Let me know - email at: medievalwoman1"at"gmail"dot"com or just comment hereabouts. Please let anyone else know who might not stop by here and who would still be interested in having the blogger meet-up at MLA.

Updated to Add:
It looks like people's schedules are still pretty open - since many of us are coming in on the 27th, we should probably steer clear of that evening. Flavia would prefer the 29th and the others I've heard from haven't yet expressed preference for either, so shall we begin to narrow this down to the evening of the 29th? We'll wait to hear others who chime in (Morgan and Sisyphus, this means thee!) - exciting!


the rebel lettriste said...

I comment here in lieu of email. I will also be at MLA.
I'd love to join the meetup!

heu mihi said...

I'm arriving the evening of the 27th, but I'd propose maybe the evening of the 28th because I have no confidence in my flight actually arriving on time. Flying in December and all that, you know. And it would break my heart to miss the meet-up because of the stupid airlines!

What Now? said...

I'll be there as well! I fly in on the 27th and leave mid-afternoon on the 30th, so I'm there for the whole conference. My panel is on the morning of the 30th, so breakfast that day is my least favorite option, but otherwise I'm game. Looking forward to seeing you all! And thanks, MW, for starting the ball rolling for a blogger meet-up.

This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

I won't be at MLA, but several of my colleagues probably will.

Med. Woman, there's an award I'm passing along for your site over on my page (see below). I'm a fan :). Keep the teaching tales coming!


Flavia said...

Still haven't bought my tix (I'm convinced fares will go lower!), but my plan is to arrive earlyish on the 27th and leave on the 30th, but possibly first thing.

The 28th might require my meeting y'all on the later side (after 9), as I have a dinner thingy I'm probably going to--but really, that's not a serious problem with drinkers like these! So, preference for the 27th or 29th, but not a major one.

Alison said...

The 29th is good for me, especially the morning. My paper (GAH! Must Write!) is on the 28th, so I'll be much less stressed after that.

the rebel lettriste said...

I will be there for the whole thing, and will likely have one as yet unconfirmed dinner thingy to attend. So I am open and flexible to the schedules of others.

Dr. Virago said...

I'll be there! I'm on an interview team, so will likely be in great need of drinks and conversations that *don't* start with "So, why are you interested in Rust Belt University?"

I'm open as to evenings. The 29th sounds good to me.

Pantagruelle said...

I'll be there and would love to meet you. Evening of the 28th or 29th would work well.

medieval woman said...

Pantagruelle, I can't find your email! Could you send me one so I can send you blogger meet-up details?? medievalwoman1@gmail.com