Monday, July 9, 2007


....too hot....too humid.....can't think straight....can't blog...(*gasp!*)

It's so frickin' hot and humid here right now - around 90 degrees and SO moist and sticky! It's like breathing through a wet sponge.

The cats are draped on the furniture like limp egg noodles. I'm carting a fan into each room I'm in.

It rained a bit a while ago and that only made it worse. Not a breathe of air, nothing!

(whine, whine, whine.....pant, pant!)


Update (9:36PM):

The heat index at Chez Medieval Woman is now at "DEFCON Four: Fry an Egg on the Counter" - I just put an ice cube in the Furballs' water bowl to try to perk them up (much like you would a flaccid fern). I brushed my teeth and look down one and a half minutes later and the cube was GONE! This could have been the work of the little apartment gnomes who live in the walls, but I'm doubting it...


Alison said...

You are such a word wizard! The only thing that helps me when it's that hot is taking a cold shower and getting my hair wet.

medieval woman said...

ooo! A cold shower sounds nice right now. Maybe even a cold bath!!

Hmmmm...yep. That's the ticket...

Hilaire said...

I feel your pain, sister. It is like that here. There are thunderstorms on the horizon, though - I hope they are headed your way, too. I remember that Flavia gave me a great recommendation when I was dying from the heat last summer...put your feet in a basin of cold water for a few minutes. It worked wonders!

Sisyphus said...

Ew, bleah! Besides a cold bath or cold footbath, you can wrap a cold washcloth around your neck, or put the bowl of cold water directly in front of the fan (cheap jerry-rigged AC).

Or do what I do ---- tape all the frozen meals in your freezer to your body and then go for a walk.