Monday, May 25, 2009

In the pipe

Yep, I'm in the writing pipe at the moment - just cruising along (see wordmeter stage right) - I met with my writing guru/deadline facist and she put me on an ambitious, but do-able writing regimen for this summer. Seriously, she cracks the whip! But I'm going strong and it feels great to have a plan. At this rate, I'll have the book finished, revised, and sent out to the publisher by Sept. 1 - aaaaaaarrrrrrrgh!

My motivation is helped immeasurably by having someone at the other end of this saying, "gimme." Otherwise I might very well drag it into the fall semester. But, I can hand it off in Sept. and then do other things, like write an article and teach a lot of students....

Back to work!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Random Bits of Early Summer Fluff

Since coming back from Kalamazoo, I've graded all graduate papers and turned in grades, so I'm free of that. Shockingly, I had no academic integrity issues this semester...

I've just awakened from a 2-hour nap and find that I have the whole summer ahead of me, a summer filled to the rim with work, but at least it will be MY work! So, tomorrow begins the "Odyssey of Completions and Revisions of Egg" - I'm meeting with my writing friend/guru for coffee next week so she can plan my schedule and stalk me if I don't deliver. But for now, here's some ephemera from Medieval Woman HQ:

1) Went to the dentist today for cleaning and to check on a tooth that's been a bit sore and sensitive. Everything looks fine, he says - no decay. But, I've have so many silver fillings from when I was younger (80s vintage) that they won't last forever. Eventually, I can get cracked-tooth syndrome (jeezus!) and they'll have to crown the offending tooth. But for now, he says - have a nice day! Come back if it gets worse. This is cold comfort.

2) I've found an upholsterer (indeed, I had needed one). She's coming by today to pick up the chair that's being redone, but she's also going to take away our sofa seat cushions because they are like fricking pancakes a meager 2 YEARS AFTER PURCHASE!!!!! So, she's going to have them properly restuffed or refoamed or whatever. But, this means that we'll be left with a single chair to sit on in the living room for a week and we'll need to move in one of the office chairs so we can watch Law and Order.

3) Tonight, I must get decked out in my regalia for our department ceremony - we will all look like little, waddling Medicis.

4) TD has been given his own office again in the dept. at Dream Academy - at least through June, so that's lovely! Everyone he saw was very happy to see him back - you people think you can get a Dutchman for free? Nyet! You must hire him or we both walk! So far, I haven't been able to make this threat real, but I'm working on it.

I pretty much got nothin' else....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Quick K'zoo Update

1) Paper went well - was very happy with turnout!

2) Saw lovely friends - blog and non-blog - and made some new ones (Notorious - so lovely to meet you! And Stephanie T. as well!)

3) Best thing: met with lovely press and she said she was extremely interested in the project and wants me to send the entire manuscript when its' done in a few months. She said she thinks this is "definitely something we'd like to pick up"...


I'm heading back to Detroit in the Cadillac I

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

See you at the 'Zoo!

Okay - we're on for Friday morning - Mugshots in Valley I - 8:00 AM

There will be about 15 of us!

The ninjas will go early to save seats...