Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Good Thoughts

I know I've been a SHIT-TAY blogger these past few months! Lots has been happening; childcare issues, traveling, house buying, finishing the semester, etc. I owe ya'll an update, pics of the house, pics of the babies.


I have to have surgery on Friday to remove a big honkin' cyst from my chest. It's not a big deal (at least for the surgeon it's not) and they only make 3 incisions, but I don't do well in the hospital b/c I feel like a caged animal, so I'm stressed. I'll only be there a few days, but still.

Can you send some good vibes my way, even for an erstwhile blogger?

Also, I just got stunk-up by a stink bug. It wasn't pleasant. My nose feels violated.


Notorious Ph.D. said...

Consider the vibes sent.

Any chance your busy schedule will be taking you to the 'zoo this year?

Sisyphus said...

Eeek, I hope everything works out well! Keep us posted! (and pssst --- you can use your recovery time to post some pics!) :)

Belle said...

Waves of vibes of the best sort on their way. will last for days, so soak 'em up, wrap 'em around you like a favorite robe, and be well.

Flavia said...

I like the way Sisyphus thinks.

And yes: many are the vibes, much are their goodness. Be well, lady!

This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

Here's to a rapid recovery so that your time in the hospital is as brief as it can be!

Phul Devi said...

Good luck and good vibes!

the rebel lettriste said...

you will rock it out!

Dame Eleanor Hull said...

I hope it has gone well.